Reserving Your Seat — To read more about an event, click on the title of the event below. To reserve your seat, click on the button at the bottom of the event page. Your reservation will then appear on your My Reservations page which may be found under the Account menu above. Please read event descriptions carefully before reserving your space, some events have special requirements.

Canceling Your Reservation — Reservations may be cancelled from the My Reservations page which may be found under the Account menu above

Continuing Education — For logistical reasons, reservations will close 48 hours prior to the start of any continuing education course. For similar reasons, any cancellations for continuing education courses must be posted no later than 48 hours prior to the start of the course. Individuals cancelling after this time or who fail to attend their reserved event will have all other continuing education reservations cancelled and will not be eligible to attend any continuing education courses held by the program for a period of 6-months.

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