Attending an orientation is the required first step in applying to our program in our state approved standards. The orientation is an informational session where you will learn the nature of our apprenticeship program, the role of inspection in the building and construction trades, the duties of a technician and how it relates to inspection work, the most common difficulties faced by our apprentices, and the steps you must complete to enter the apprenticeship.

Applications are issued after the orientation to those who successfully completed the session.

Attendance & Tardiness

Space in these sessions is limited such that those reserving a space are also denying someone else a space. As a consequence, we must insist that individuals who sign up also attend, and do not honor cancellations. We reserve the right to deny those who sign up and fail to attend the ability to register for future orientations for a period of time subject to our discretion.

We do not allow late admittance to our orientations, for any reason. The mechanism for this varies based on whether the orientation is held in-person or online:

  • In PersonThe doors to the building will be locked at the exact start time for the session. Late individuals who find the doors locked should not bang on the doors or harass other tenants of the building, and should instead leave the premises to attend a future orientation. If they somehow bypass the locks or are allowed into the building by another attendee or a non-program staffer, they will be ejected from the session by the program representative hosting it.
  • OnlineAttendees who login to the Zoom meeting are initially held in a waiting room until manually admitted by the program representative hosting the meeting. Attendees who enter the waiting room at or after the start time will not be admitted to the meeting and will be left in the waiting room indefinitely. As the host will be conducting the orientation at that time, there will be no additional communication regarding this. Late attendees should log off and attend a future orientation.

Under no circumstances may one harass the program representative hosting the session or any other party onsite regarding this policy. Individuals denied entrance into an orientation, who take issue with this policy, or who wish to voice other questions and concerns, are encouraged to contact the program during regular office hours.


Attendees are expected to treat the orientation with the same level of seriousness as an any other class. For online orientations, they may not attend while driving, working, or engaged in any other dangerous or distracting activity. The program representative hosting the orientation, whether in-person or online, has the authority to eject any attendees found to be disruptive, on their phones, or otherwise not engaged and paying attention. Such individuals must leave the premises, if in-person, and may not harass the host. They may attend a future orientation.

Technology (Online Sessions)

Where a session is indicated as being held online it will be via Zoom. The nature of the presentation is such that you will need a web enabled desktop, laptop, or tablet computer. A smart phone will not be sufficient.

We understand that internet service varies in quality, however the nature of the online orientations make it such that the host cannot generally monitor the Zoom waiting room while delivering the presentation. Individuals who become disconnected during the meeting and are not admitted back into the session within a few minutes should disconnect and attend another orientation. So long as they were marked as having been present at the start of the meeting, they will not be penalized and will be eligible to attend the next orientation.